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Labor Cost Form






Labor cost estimating can be done directly in KipwareQTE or by importing a cycletime estimate from KipwareCYC.


If a cycletime prepared in KipwareCYC is imported, all the cost calculations for each workcenter will be done automatically when the cycletime estimate is imported. KipwareQTE will seek to match each machine included in the KipwareCYC cycletime estimate with a matching machine in the KipwareQTE workcenter database.  If a match is found, the hourly rate and efficiency rating are automatically imported and included in the labor cost estimating portion of KipwareQTE.

The user can also choose to enter cycletime information manually and pull workcenter specifications from the workcenter database. Some users choose to enter each machining operation separately and some choose to enter the complete cycletime for each machine. For example, a workpiece that requires rough turning, finish turning and cut off on a SL2 could be broken down and entered as three operations linked to the SL2. Or, the user could just enter the total time to completely machine the part as one operation linked to the SL2.

The labor cost markup is pulled from the database and displayed on the form. As always, the user has the option to alter that percentage on the fly on this form if desired.




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